If you’re new to cooking grass fed beef, you will find that it is naturally leaner and more delicate to cook. We recommend browsing the “Beef It’s What for Dinner” website more cooking tips.
The centuries old, dry aging process is not always realistic for the home cook. Wet-aging, a more recent process, is less intensive and requires minimum equipment. Tips: Try wet-aging in vacuum sealed package at or below 38 degrees. The vacuum seal must not be broken to wet age or food will spoil. Find more tips on the Grillaholics...
Two tried and tested methods that when combined produce a steak every bit as flavorful, juicy and tender as the best steakhouses all from the comfort of your own home and a fraction of the cost. What you will need: -Steak cut of your choice -Coarse Kosher Salt –roughly a tablespoon per steak -Large cookie sheet -Oven -Searing hot grill or cast iron skillet -Meat thermometer I know what you are thinking…. that can’t be it? Yes, It is that simple. No need for fancy industrial kitchen gadgets,...