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  • We work to produce a Regenerative Product through careful Animal and Land Stewardship by addressing causes rather than symptoms. In doing so we will continue to contribute to healthy land, animals and customers who are interested in advancing our community and environment health. Read this fact and a great indicator of why we are on this planet! Do you know that the Human nose is extremely sensitive to Geosmin (can be an indicator of good soil health) and is able to detect it at concentrations as low as 5 parts per trillion (the good Lord did this by design)! It is our responsibility as humans to take care of the world we live in and beef has a great part to play in regenerating healthy food and healthy range lands. We have a little history as well, our beef is Home grown on a Ranch that was established in 1876 (read our historical fact) and located in the Black Hills of South Dakota. We have a pristine deep water source and a diverse selection of forage (Plant Based Regenerative Solar Power Energy) that our harvesters ( beef) utilize to provide a healthy food source. Check out more info on GEOSMIN below! WOW
  • Our grass fed beef and pasture pork is a healthy protein that is truly plant based via our efficient harvesting methods (cows)! Additionally, there are some interesting studies that conclude it's not red meat but the other items in humans diets (as well as sleep deprivation and lack of exercise) that are effecting the health and vitality of humans today! Click to learn more.
  • We are members of the Grassland Coalition and are working to improve our grassland eco system by utilizing our herd to manage weeds, soil health, and plant diversity which improves wildlife habitat. Additionally, we are working with the Audubon Society and the Western Sustainability Exchange to continue our education and improve our skill sets (see the links below for more info).
  • Historical Fact - As documented in the Book "The Black Hills Or Last Hunting Grounds of the Dakotas by Annie Tallent" page 273. On August 20th 1876 a band of natives raided the Ranch stole over 150 head of horses 100 of which went to Red water and the rest where driven towards Deadwood than through main street. That is when Rev. Henry Weston Smith "Preacher Smith" was killed by the group that went through down town deadwood. Page 273. 5 men where shot and killed that day including Preacher Smith. Preacher Smiths Monument is located on HWY 85 South of ranch near the top of the hill before you reach deadwood.
  • Beef Facts - For additional helpful information on the benefits of eating and supporting the beef industry go to "".
  • Conservation... here is are some interesting reads (see below). Cows are an effective player in the effort to reduce CO2 in the atmosphere via green grasses and healthy soils. CO2 has a lifespan of 1,000 years, but amazingly, it is captured by plants through photosynthesis. Carbon from CO2 is stored in plants as cellulose from which carbon is sequestered or stored in soil organic matter. Unlike other Greenhouse gases, methane state in the atmosphere for 10 years before it is oxidized and converted into carbon dioxide and water. When a cow eats forage, she consumes cellulose and other carbon hydrates, which contain some of the carbon that originated in the atmospheric CO2. A small amount of that carbon becomes methane which enters the atmosphere from belches and manure. Sources of nitrous oxided, the exact source of nitrous oxide are not fully understood yet (re: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution - Currently researching this very subject). Soil Carbon storage is enhanced by five core practices, Minimum Soil Disturbance, maximum crop diversity, covered soil, year round living roots, and integration of cattle and other grazing livestock. The cow improves soil carbon storage capabilities in several way (re: Gary Price 77 Ranch). In proper grazing systems a grazing animal normally removes 1/3 of the plant stimulating growth, more growth captures more CO2. Hoof action loosens soil creating better conditionsplant growth and incorporating dead plant matter into the soil. A cow also helps cycle nutrients back into the soil via manure and urine. Cows and plants have a symbiotic relationship in the way they feed each other their required nutrients. Healthy soils can also help increase water retention in the soil which helps grow healthy grass and animals.
  • Clean Food Facts and Fake Meat

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High Prairie Lodge

My name is Teri Ciani. My husband Dave and I own and operate High Prairie Lodge and Outfitters located in the Black Hills of...

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Cooking Grass Fed Beef

If you’re new to cooking grass fed beef, you will find that it is naturally leaner and more delicate to cook. We recommend browsing...

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How to Wet Age Steaks

The centuries old, dry aging process is not always realistic for the home cook. Wet-aging, a more recent process, is less intensive and requires...

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